Careers in Retail Initiative Sees First Graduates

Congratulations to the first group of graduates from Goodwill's Careers in Retail Initiative! This group is the first in the nation to complete the Careers in Retail job training program, which is designed to prepare individuals for mid-level management careers.

The Careers in Retail Initiative is a unique, free program that provides the training and support necessary to gain a middle skills/middle management position in retail, food and beverage and/or hospitality and tourism industries. Participants receive training on content areas such as decision making, human resources, leadership and soft skills.

Last week, WBIR highlighted on of the members of this graduating class, Caleb Smith, who is using his training from the Careers in Retail Initiative to prepare himself for increasing supervisory duties in a startup business. Watch his story here. [[Update: Since this entry was published, Caleb has been promoted to a full-time, salaried position as an Account Executive.]]

The Careers in Retail Initiative offers classes on a weekly basis with a variety of class times and dates offered each month, designed to fit within a busy work schedule. The program is free of charge and open to the public. Interested individuals may sign up at any time. Learn more about the program and class schedule here or by calling 865.588.8567.

The Careers in Retail Initiative is made possible by a $3 million grant from the Walmart Foundation for a period of two years. Goodwill Industries-Knoxville, Inc. was one of eight Goodwill agencies across the globe to be selected for this grant.