Congratulations Kenny!

Kenny Byrne is an amazing neighbor, always able to put a smile on the faces of those around him and inspire those who follow in his footsteps. 

As an extended employee with Goodwill Industries-Knoxville, Kenny regularly interacts with clients in Goodwill's job training programs, as well as the public through his position in Goodwill's janitorial services division. 

Though Kenny has challenges with communication and motor skills, he teaches us that it's never too late to learn. He recently began his training in janitorial services, a task that challenges his memory, social skills and attention to detail. He is proud of his training book, which is full of proof of his progress, and is excited to show off his janitorial cart and the various cleaners it holds.

He has also been working one-on-one with Tommy Bunch, Goodwill's Janitorial Services Division Manager, on extracurricular activities, like building birdhouses, playing tic-tac-toe, and putting together puzzles; Kenny started with 16 piece puzzles and is now able to put together a 64 piece puzzle by himself! These activities help Kenny improve cognitive function and fine motor skills while having fun, and his progress has been extraordinary.

Kenny inspires others. He has worked with Goodwill for nearly 25 years, becoming a staple in the community. He leads by example, showing new clients what to do and how to do it, all with a positive attitude and a hearty laugh.

"Allowing Kenny all these opportunities to be able to build his skills really helps all the other people that are coming into the program," said Goodwill's Vice President of Employment Training and Rehabilitation, Meaghan Johnson. "He can show them, 'Hey even after all this time, I learned something new and look at what a great job I'm doing.'"

Kenny is an inspiration to all the staff, clients and customers who meet him. He spreads warmth and kindness wherever he goes, helping to make Knoxville a better place.

Congratulations to Kenny for being named the City of Neighbor's Knoxville Neighbor of the Month!