Goodwill Works: Meet Dennis


As a family man and a former pastor, Dennis is a compassionate person that loves his community. After five years out of the workforce due to medical barriers, Dennis came to Goodwill’s Work Adjustment Program to build the physical stamina to work again and determine the length of time he could work while standing.

Technology had vastly transformed in those five years and Dennis also faced these barriers along the way. Luckily, with the help of Goodwill's SPACE program, he developed the skills he needed.

"Everyone here wants you to succeed!" Dennis said. "You just have to be willing to learn and put in the time and work."

His work ethic, determination, and new skill-set landed Dennis his new job as a care giver for the elderly. His love and compassion are utilized daily as he helps people live fulfilled and independent lives.

Congratulations on realizing your goal and Happy Father's Day Dennis!